This week’s FLCCC Links and News – 5/24/2023

There are two new movies coming out very soon. Tomorrow is a watch party. I. PLANDEMIC 3 II. The Unseen Crisis Trailer for new film, The Unseen Crisis Vaccine Stories You Were Never Told FLCCC News and Links Strategies for the Management of Spike Protein-Related Pathologyby Matthew T. J. Halma 1,Christof Plothe 2,Paul Marik 3…

Websites Sharing Personal Stories of the Vaccine Injured

These sites share many multiple (hundreds in some cases) of personal stories about people who have died or been injured from the Covid 19 shots. I tried to put some of the best — with the most videos, most professional looking, and least biased — on the top of the list.  The Databases Links in…


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A quotation from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 

“Why do people have this religious fervor when it comes to vaccines? Why can’t I sit down with my friend — my liberal friends — and have a fact-based conversation?  Why do I have to be silenced?

“Why can’t we do what you are supposed to do in a democracy, which is, ultimately, to find common ground with people who disagree with you? To love your enemy. To have fact-based debates that are congenial and that can maybe — and maybe not — resolve issues? 

“Instead, anybody who tries to talk about these things runs into something that looks like an old-style medieval religious orthodoxy, which is the repetition of these shibboleths, “follow the science,” “protect society”,  “stop being selfish,” but a total unwillingness to talk about facts. An imperviousness to factual argument.

“Not only that, but just a ferocious anger that ‘You are dangerous because you have a different point of view than I do.’ That kind of orthodoxy has occurred throughout time. We are designed to embrace orthodoxy — we’re hard-wired for orthodoxy from 20,000 generations: wandering the African savanna in tiny groups, following a powerful leader, at war with all of our neighbors, having to embrace a unit-cohesion through a uniform cosmology. And anybody on the outgroup was evil and dangerous, and anybody in the in-group, no matter how badly behaved — they had to be defended.

“That’s Tribalism! Writ large! And that’s what we’re looking at. We’re looking at this polarization and tribalism and I believe a lot of that is strategic. 

“What I try to do is completely divorce myself from the politics, and talk to Republicans and Democrats, because I think what we are seeing is this imposition of these controls  . . ..  There’s 500 new billionaires since the lockdowns started. There’s been a shift of 3.8 trillion dollars in wealth from working people globally to this top-rung of billionaires . . . .

“The weird thing that people don’t seem to see is that these people who are cashing in with hundreds of billions from the lockdowns are the same people who are censoring criticism of the lockdowns. 

“The Republicans and Democrats are fighting with each other, and blacks and whites are fighting, and the polarization, and the anger, and the bitterness at the ground  level,   and nobody is noticing that they are feeding on the corpses of our obliterated middle class and gorging themselves. 

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